225 thoughts on “5 ways to unblock my WeChat account”

  1. Silas…i ve tried all of above solutions and i also wrote to wechat help center but they dont reply back…can you help me to unblock my account please??

  2. Hello Silas,
    It’s been days my account as been blocked but after 7 days I tried to get it back I have used some numbers of people on my list but to my surprise one of them to me he didn’t get me request as quoted in the screenshot sent to me “No secondary user authentication was received“

    Cold that be he is not eligible,or has help help too much people with this authentication this year?

    And again i’m not from China

    Do I need someone in China to help me with this authentication,

    And must the person be on my friends list or it can just be anybody?

    I look forward to read from you soon

  3. Hello Silas,

    I’m from Italy and recently I have installed WeChat on my phone for work reasons, so I can remain in contact with the colleagues in China.

    After registering, I added 3 friends and was talking with them normally about exchanging information and our plans for the projects in the future. After I logged out and tried to log in again, it kept telling me that I have inserted a wrong password, despite the fact that I have inserted it correctly and even wrote it down. I then logged in via SMS and got back in for some time. But after I reset my password, my account got blocked for “Suspicious Registration In-Batch or Using Plugins” even though I have not violated any terms.

    I have tried the majority of solutions, but none of them have worked for me. I also spoke about it with my manager and when we tried to solve it together, the instructions were all in Chinese. I even told my colleagues via Email about it but it didn’t really do much for me. When I tried to do the procedure of using another user’s phone number to verify my ID, it told me that they didn’t meet the requirements.

    My account got blocked twice with two different phone numbers. One was mine, and the other was a family member’s. I even contacted the WeChat support team and explained everything to them, but I don’t know when it’s going to be solved.

    What do you think it’s the best solution for me right now? Will I be able to unblock my account for “Suspicious Registration or Using Plugins”, or not really?

    The reason why I need it unblocked, because it’s for work reasons and I feel it’s making my job more frustrating because of it.

    1. Hi,Sherif,

      Thanks for your comment. I’ve meet the situation like you have. I was told wrong password, actually it’s correct. But my account been blocked is that I didn’t linked any phone number to it.
      So I verify it using another phone number. But I still didn’t link any phone number to it. So I don’t want use it anymore, cuz I have many 4 account.
      In your case, you might wait for a while, about one or two weeks and then you can try to unblock it again.
      Besides, you should check any App you download recently, it could be the reason. Or update your WeChat to the latest version.
      And Don’t login WeChat on other devices these days.

      Just wait, these days, don’t do anything. This is what I recommend.

      As for contacting your colleagues, you can try to create a QQ account. It’s another Chinese instant message tool. You can read my another post here. Hope this will help you a little bit.


  4. my wechat account has been blocked it says many users reported me that i have violations
    i tried to unblock but i dont get response, is there any other way option to unblock my wechat account?

  5. Hi Silas,

    Thanks for writing this great article. Unfortunately for me WeChat Blocked my account due to suspicious registration or using plugins, none of which I am doing. I have tried using the option of having friends try to verify me, but when they go into their WeChat to look for the verification link they never received it. I have tried sending it multiple times to friends in the US & China and it never works. I have also tried contacting support and sent screenshots, but received no reply. I was curious if you had any other suggestions to try and help. Thanks so much for the great website.

    1. Hi, Alex.
      Thanks for reading my article.

      Did they go to the right place? Go to [WeChat Team]>[Account]…….
      And when you send the unblock request,you need to let them know immediately and let them go to there to help you.
      And now I recommend you wait for several days and try again.

  6. hello my friend using wechat in english but when he try to unblock my id he goes to account section of wechat team, he is getting chinese letters and words he cant read them. how can he solve this type of problem

    1. That’s weird. WeChat has English version, even the WeChat team. If he know nothing about Chinese. You can ask him to use Google translate.

  7. Hi,

    I tried your method to unblock my account, my friend cant help me to unblock as well. are there other method?

  8. Im form Philippines and i created my account 3 days ago for my bf, he’s my only friend on wechat but now when i opened my wechat and trying to retrieve, trying voice recognizing, number, email, but the result is nothing…… i hope somebody help me. What do you think why they blocked my account?

  9. I am still willing to know the different between FROZEN or TEMPORARILY BLOCKED.an account was temporarily blocked and to be unlocked in a week after added bellow the page that “you wechat Account can be temporarily unblocked during which you must withdraw any remaining funds left in your account” those this mean the account as been flagged only to be unblocked to get his fund and later he is sure to get blocked right after???

    I want to know which one is more brutal FROZEN or BLOCKED


    1. Hi, sorry for my late reply.
      Basically speaking.Frozen is kinda a way to protect your account’ safety. Such as lost your phone or been hacked by others. You can freeze your account by yourself when you think your account is unsafe or by WeChat system.
      As for blocked-type, it’s more brutal. It could be temporary or permanent. If permanently blocked you can’t get your WeChat account back anymore,but you can withdraw the money in your account.
      If temporary blocked, you can unblock it, but if your account been blocked again, it will become permanently blocked.

  10. Hello Silas,a friend wechat was frozen reported of fraud and it’s been frozen.ill like to know what is required of him to get the account back I’m sure frozen is different from been blocked.

  11. i got the help friend login option but when i clicked it , there was no call option istead it asked for other details like passport no and bank card no, was this process for wechat users for outside china ?

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