Zhihu(知乎) is a Chinese Quora in China. It’s the place where you can ask questions to gain answers and share knowledge. If you’re learning Chinese or need to search for answers, promote your products/services you really should try this amazing platform.

Search for answers through Baidu search is a good choice for you, but you need to filter the search results wisely. The answers from Zhihu(知乎) are pretty straightforward.
Zhihu Inc. (NYSE: ZH) Monthly active users: 101 billion (2021. Q3)
Compared to other Chinese apps, 101 billion monthly active users are fewer than WeChat, QQ, Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, etc. That’s because Zhihu isn’t suitable for anyone, it requires you educated at least.
In my opinion, the fewer the better. Zhihu users have to be invited back in the day, which leads to creating very high-quality content. But now you can sign up Zhihu account easily, even for foreigners. There is no need for an invitation to create an account anymore.
How to sign up for Zhihu(知乎) account?
Zhihu is available for foreigners, which means you can create Zhihu account from outside of China. Zhihu is available in the US. the UK. Europe or other countries. However, you might fail to register Zhihu account somehow, but you still can explore the content or search for answers you need. I will show you how-to later.
Register Zhihu account (webpage)
Step 1. Go to Zhihu.com official website
Step 2. Click on “密码登录password login”.
Step 3. You need to click on “海外手机号登录 foreign phone number login”

Can I register for Zhihu account by email? I’m afraid you can’t. China released a new law policy to anti-fraud and rumors. All websites registration needs a phone number or some kind of proof that you’re responsible for the account.
Step 4. Select region code and enter your phone number

Step 5. Set up password and then click on “注册/登录Sign up/Login”
Sign up Zhihu account (App)
If you failed to create Zhihu account via webpage, or you don’t want to use the website registration way. Then you can try to register Zhihu account via the app.
Step 1. Download Zhihu (知乎) app from Google play store or Apple store.
Step 2. Open the app and click on “同意并继续” to agree the privacy policy.

Step 3. Click on “手机号登录 login with phone number”

Step 4. Select your region code and enter phone number

Step 5. Check the privacy policy and user terms and then click on “发送验证码” to get SMS verification code
You’re almost there, all you need to do is set up your profile picture, name, gender, age, and topics that you’re interested in. The content recommendation will according to your age, gender, and topics you selected.

After all those steps are done, you can explore the Zhihu to search for the answers you need. It’s an effective way to search for the matching answer, compared to others. Besides, I want to recommend you another way to search online. That is Baidu search, it’s the biggest and most widely used in China.