QQ mail is one of the most used emails in China. It was launched by Tencent company in 2002 to provide users with safe, stable, fast and convenient email services. It has provided free and value-added email services to more than 100 million email users.
How to sign in qq mail on webpage?
To Sign in qq mail, first of all you need to sign up qq account. With that said,the qq email account was signed up alone with your qq account. if already have qq number (qq ID), then you can login qq mail with “qq number+@qq.com” as your qq mail account.
Or you can login to qq mail via WeChat account. If you need a WeChat account, please check out how to sign up WeChat account.
This is the qq mail login link. Click the link, you will go directly to qq mail English. If it’s not qqmail English, then you can change qq mail language by clicking on ‘English’ on the top-right corner of the page.

If you want to login qq email via WeChat then, you need to click on [Login via WeChat] and then scan the qr code to confirm it.
For most users, they use qq account as login way. Then enter the qq account and qq password. Or you can login qq email by clicking on [Quick Sign in] and rhen use mobile qq to scan the qr code to login to it.

If you don’t have qq account, in the words, you don’t have qq mail account. You need to sigh up qq account before you get qq mail account. To signing up qq account is not easy for foreigners now, you need to be patient.
Please check out my full tutorial of how to sign up qq.
How to login qq mail App?
QQmail provides Android app and iPhone app for users. You can download qq mail Android app from Google play store or qq mail iPhone app from Apple store.
The qq mail Appis not only for qq email, but also provides for Gmail, Outlook,Exchange, 163 mail, 126 mail and other Emails services.

And if you already have either WeChat account or qq account, you can use them to login directly if you’ve installed WeChat or QQ on your phone. If you don’t install qq on your phone, then you need to cliclick on [qq账号密码登陆] and then enter your qq number and password for loggin-in.
If you’re confused about QQ ID, QQ number and QQ email, then you might need to click the link.

NOTE: Using WeChat or QQ account as a login way, it’s doesn’t share the data between QQ and WeChat. They’re running separately.
Unfortunately, it will be quite frustrating for foreigners who can’t read Chinese characters to use qq mail App. Because QQ mail App doesn’t have English version and Can’t change qq mail App’s language. But the qq mail webpage has English version.
How to change qq mail language?
As I said, qq mail App doesn’t provide English version for you. You can find only Chinese language out there. But if you do need to use qq mail, I will show you how to change qq mail language.
Login to qq mail on the webpage, you might find the qq mail is set up in Chinese by default. Like this.

You can change qq mail language to English with just a few clicks.
- Click on “设置Settings“.
- And then, hover the cursor to “语言“.
- Select”English“.

As you can see, you don’t know the Chinese language at all, then you should choose to use qqmail webpage, but if you can read Chinese characters then qqmail App is a great choice for you. It will let you won’t miss any urgent email. If you’re learning Chinese, please check out my free Chinese lessons
If you have any questions, please comment below or add me on WeChat, QQ or Facebook. Thank you!
安全验证 is all in chinese and it can’t even be translated as all characters describing the security question are a raster image.
Hi Silas,
Thank you very much in advance for your advice on using QQ email. I think they are very useful. Lately, I haven’t been able to check my QQ email, even if I know my ID and password. When I try to access my email by giving it my ID and password, it sends me to a window for identity authentication by giving me figures, but lately it gives me the instructions in Chinese even though I put qq mail in English.
Just a month ago I was able to log in and it can pass the authentication, but then it asked me to go to settings and give it a phone number, but the instructions were given in Chinese, and I couldn’t follow them.
What I can do? Any help would be very useful to me. in both cases
Do you need me to guide you the process of it? you can send me the screenshot so that I know what requires
You should keep QQ logged on your phone, and then scan the QR code to log in QQ related platforms