Once you’ve signed up for your QQ account, you need to log into it in three days and use it frequently, Or your QQ account might be blocked or recycled. As a beginner, you might need a tutorial to learn how to use QQ as a Pro.
QQ and WeChat are both belonged to Tencent company. So you will find some same features in these two tools, such as voice message, text message, emoji, voice call, video call, etc.
If you haven’t got a QQ account, you might need help in registration by reading how to sign up QQ account?
NOTE: Seems like QQ international has been stopped developing, So now, don’t waste your time downloading or finding qq international. If you still need to use QQ, please check out my other tutorials about how to use Chinese qq.
This QQ tutorial is based on QQ International. (English version). Why do I recommend you use QQ international? Because the English version is cleaner than the Chinese version. That’s why I don’t use Chinese version anymore.
How to change the language of QQ international?
When you log into your qq account, you might want to change the languish if the QQ international didn’t show you languish that you understand. There’re eight languishes you can choose to use, they’re English, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and traditional Chinese.
- Open the QQ international and then log in to your QQ account.
- Then tap the [Compass] icon on the top right of the screen.
- The next step is tapping the [Settings] icon on the bottom right of the screen.
- Click on the [Language] button, and then you can choose the languish you want.
- The language of QQ international will be modified by clicking [DONE] on the top right of the screen.
What if the language is in Chinese by default when you download the qq international?
Actually, for some mobile phones, this will happen especially when you’re using a Chinese mobile phone, it will set the Chinese language by default. Then you should know how to change the language.
Here are some tips:
语言 means language. When you don’t know Chinese, you can select any Chinese characters you can find with 语言 or 切换语言.
Now, let’s change the default language when you try to log in with only 3 clicks.
- Click on the 切换语言 on the top right corner.
- Select the language you want to use.
- Click on the 完成 on the top right corner of the screen.
That’s it. Just so easy, right? If you can’t change the language please comment below.
How to add friends on QQ ?
Compared with the Chinese version of QQ, international qq is much cleaner and it will be a little hard to find where to get started with adding QQ friends. Especially when you’re a newbie.
Honestly speaking, the design of it is too clean to use in some ways. That’s why I write this article. So let’s get started.
On the top of the screen, you will see three icons on there. And the middle one is a “Contact” icon. You need to tap that icon. Then you will see an “Add friends” icon on the bottom of the left corner of the screen. What you need to do is tap that icon and then you will go to the “adding friend” screen.

So, the next move is to enter the QQ number (Also called QQ ID), phone number, or Email and then click the [Find] button to find the friend you’re trying to add.

The next step is to simply confirm your friends’ profile before adding them via avatar, gender, or What’s Up, and then click on [Add] icon in the middle bottom of the screen. And then click on the [Next] button.

Before sending your request you need to set up your friend’s relationship with you. Setup a nickname, or choose a category and limit Qzone access. If you forgot to set up a relationship with your friend, then you can move to the next steps.
What is Qzone? Qzone is a place where you can post something and share to your friend. Once you check the box, the friend you try to add will no longer have access to your Qzone.

Usually, you need to wait until your request gets approved by your friend. And then you can chat with them freely.
How to change my friends’ name or nickname on QQ?
For some QQ friends, you might not know them in reality but only on the Internet. And as you know, you don’t need to show your real name to them, you can just show your alias. Therefore, QQ allows you to set remarks for your friends to recognize them easily.
If you’ve contacted your friend then you can click the contact directly. If not, then you can tap the “Head” icon on the top of the screen. And then you will go to the categories. Click on each category you will find the friend who you want to change their name or nickname on a list of your friends.

Besides, you can click on the search icon below to find your friend.

And then click on your friend and go to the chatting dialog where you start to chat with your friend. You will see the “Head” icon again on the top right corner. Tapping it and you will go to the [Chat Info].
As you can see, if you want to set up something about your friend then you need to go into there.
Tap the Avatar and go to your friend’s Profile. What is it on the top right corner? It’s a small [More] text. What you need to do is tap More.
What you can do here is to change your friend’s nickname, move your friend to another category or set up permissions to your friend which include ” Don’t show your status to your friend” or “Hide their status to you”. Even you can delete your friend permanently on there.
Name: You need to click on Name, and then you can enter the nickname you want to change on the popup. The nickname will be changed when you click on the [OK] button.
How to move your friend to another category on your contacts?
Actually, you can choose the category when you add a friend or approve your friend’s request. If you didn’t choose the category, they would be chosen to the My Friends category by default. But if you want to move your friend to another category then you can follow the previous step to go into the [More] options.
Click on the Category and then tap the category that you want to move to. After that, your friend will be moved.
How to manage categories on QQ ?
The category is an easier way to find your friends on the contacts. You can find your mother, father, brother, sister in the families category And find a colleague in the colleagues category, something like that.
This is super easy but few people know. What you need to do is long-press the category. You might ask long-press which one? Actually, you can pick any one of them. And then you need to click on the [Categories] on the popup.
- Add Category: Clicking on [+ Add Category] button. And then you need to enter a new category name, after that click on the [OK] button.
- Delete Category: Tapping the [-] icon in red. The next step is clicking on the [Delete] icon in red.
- Reorder Category: Long press the [≡] icon and then drag them to reorder.
There is one last step that you shouldn’t forget to do is click on the [DONE] on the top right corner.
can u help verify me to use this app?
how to crate qq mail?
Hi, QQ mail will be created once you get a QQ account, you just need to add @qq.com after your QQ number.
I have tried many ways to create QQ account, but failed.
I have followed many ways and links, I was not successful.
How can I create this account from the USA with a USA phone number?
I’ve been using qq international for 5 years and I love it. However recently it’s developed a glitch. I’m finding that new messages from friends are not appearing at the top of the list. The same contacts are always at the top of the list, new messages are buried further down the list (I have 379 contacts). Sometimes I get notifications about new messages but can’t find who contacted me, and even if I reply, the conversation stays down low on the list
Hi, Ian.
Does the App update to the latest? Try to update the App or down-update the App.
Is there a way to change my phone # on Q Q international
Jim B
+1 772 5841902
Hi Jim B
Sorry for my late response.
Yes, you can change your phone number(Link a new phone number to QQ international) by going to the Settings icon>> Permission and privacy>>Moblie number. Click on that and then select [Change moblie], enter a new phone number you want to link.
Yes, the problem is that the page is in Chinese, if you don’t know Chinese, you might not able to. Thank for your question, I will update post relevant it soon.
Hello, Silas!
You’ve thoughtfully made a very helpful site !
I need help please:
I’ve downloaded QQ international version from India but it opens in Chinese language. Completely incomprehensible to me. Just can’t understand how to log in or proceed at all as all is in Chinese and I need English.
Can you help please? Thanks!
Whatsapp: +91 9665557770
To add: That link you mentioned that says ‘Language’ in Chinese supposed to be located on top right of screen does not show. It’s missing.
Please update to the latest version of App. or down-update the App.
Hi, Chinese version of QQ App doesn’t have option to change language. Please download QQ international if you need to change language.
Hi, there. you can download the App from qq official website. Please check my post about how to download qq international on Pc or Mac. it’s on the same webpage and location.
PS – Thanks in advance
Thank man for your informations posted above
I used Samsung S8plus
I download the qqi but it automatically on Chinese language and it did not appear like the one the you posted this really makes it difficult for me to use it on my phone
Thanks man i really need your help.
If the language is Chinese, please change the language first. And check my post about changing language on QQ international.
Actually, there’s no way to change the language on the chinese version of QQ. if you need an English or other language qq app, you need to download the English version App. that’s “qq international”. What do you mean “keep my info”, if you change the app, from Chinese app to English app, your friends and group will not be lost. but the chatting history might be lost.
Maybe you should download the match version of the QQi app.
Do you have any updated info on how to change language for QQ international for android using the latest version?
I will update ASAP.
Tips: 设置=settings, 语言=language,中文=Chinese. If you find these words, then you can click on it.
Hi, you seem very knowledgeable and I am getting very frustrated. I just downloaded QQ Intenational (I think, it doesn’t say that) to my Samsung S10. I can’t tell you what version of the software because i don’t read Chinese and my screens look nothing like yours (no settings “gear” for instance). There was no option for language on the sign in page. Fumbling around I saw a referral to AQ.QQ.com and went there and it looks different but still no language choice. Any ideas? I am an American in America with a few friends in China that I want to chat with.
Hi.I have downloaded QQ International but the language setting is in Chinese(this was automatically selected by device on download). Although your tutorial is extremely useful, the icons appear differently on the QQ International App that I downloaded on my Xiomi 4W phone. Please help me to change the language to English.
Thanks for your reminding me. I’ve updated the post this morning, Check it out.