Nothing would be more frustrating than your WeChat account has been blocked when you have something important to share with your Chinese friend. Getting a WeChat account doesn’t mean you can have the WeChat account forever. Sometimes, you will get your WeChat account blocked easily when you didn’t follow the rules of WeChat. Why is my WeChat account blocked so often? How can I unblock my WeChat account?
Why is my WeChat account blocked?
There are so many reasons that will cause your WeChat account been blocked. So, you need to know what you can do, what you can’t do with your WeChat. Check out some reasons below when your WeChat account has been blocked.
- A non-official version of WeChat.
Make sure that you downloaded WeChat from official channels. - Android Emulator(such as Andy, Bluestack, Youwave).
Do not use any Android emulator to run WeChat. Especially using a location emulator to change your location. - Unofficial plugins to run WeChat. Note: Stop using unsanctioned plugins for WeChat which is in violation of WeChat’s Service Agreement and your account may be permanently blocked if you continue to use it.
- violating the rules of WeChat.
- You’ve been reported by others. Such as sending lewd content(files), violent content(files), rumors or annoying ads and any violations of laws.
- You’re using a virtual phone number not a fixed(real) phone number for registering and you made it.
- Suspicious behavior.
Such as you can not log in and log out in many devices in a short time, or attempt to change your password in a short time, even help verification with others too often, etc.
If you’re using a virtual number to register successfully, your account will be blocked sooner or later. In that case, you should prepare for blocking or you can link your fixed(real) phone number to your WeChat account before it’s being blocked.
You will get more details on How to link/change your phone number to WeChat?
- other reasons.
- Block for no reasons.
You know what, it happens that you just create a new account and you didn’t do anything wrong and WeChat account blocked for no reason. As for blocking reason that WeChat might say your WeChat account are ” Unnormal registration“, “Sending too much request“, “Unusual activity“, “WeChat compromised“, “Suspicious Login” or any other reason.
Actually, the reason that WeChat gave you was totally insane. Because you didn’t do anything relative that. Maybe you create account today and blocked tomorrow or in three days. In this case, you need to send feedback to WeChat support team to let them know your account was blocked for no reason.
How to unblock my WeChat account?
There’re three types of account blocked, One is temporary block and can unblock by yourself. The other one just can’t be unblock by yourself, you need to ask WeChat to help you unblock it. Or you need to wait for one or two weeks to unblock it or it will be unblocked automatically. As for the last one is permanently blocked, there’s no way to unblock it, as you must have violated the terms of WeChat.
Way 1:Unblock your WeChat account by yourself
When you entered your WeChat account and password, you were told your account has been blocked as for abnormal activity or other account security issues. Actually, this happened to many WeChat account. For most people, you’re so confused. Because you didn’t do anything abnormal things. And then, you try to google the answer but still can’t figure it out.

NOTE: Trust me, if your WeChat account didn’t link to your phone number. Link it right now, or your account will be blocked sooner or later.
As the image says, abnormal activity has been detected and for account security, this account has been blocked. But the good thing is you can unblock it by yourself.
The start of the unblocking is to click on [OK]. And then you will see the account penalty details, blocking type, and reason.
NOTE: If your account has been blocked, and your WeChat Pay account still contains funds or other assets, WeChat will automatically open the assets entrance so that you will still be able to log in to WeChat to withdraw funds from your Balance. You need to tap the [withdraw any remaining funds left] text in blue and follow the instructions.

You need to click on [Read and accept] to continue unblocking. Then you will be requested to Drag the slider below to the puzzle piece.
Next, WeChat needs you to enter an available phone number to unblock. You can say that it’s to confirm your identity. So you can select your region code by tapping [Select region] and then enter a phone number.

You had better enter your own number which linked to your WeChat. If you’ve lost or changed your old number, you can enter another number. As you can see, only an available phone number is needed here. Available means it can receive or send SMS code and shouldn’t be a virtual phone number.
Click on [Next], and then you need to use the phone number you entered in the previous step to send SMS code. As for the content and receiver, they are all shown below on the screen. The content should only contain the SMS code you were given.

I assume you all know how to send SMS messages. And the result should be like this, as the image shown below.

After that, you need to go back to click on [Continue After Sending SMS].
Now, here is the most frustrating thing. You need a WeChat user to help you to verify your identity. This WeChat user who you need to ask for help need or doesn’t need to be your WeChat friend. It all depends on what kind of block reasons. And please read it carefully before you’re asking for help.
If it shows need to be your WeChat friends, then you can only ask your WeChat friend for help. I’m sure that most of you don’t have friends meet the requirements and you did violate the terms. Then you should try to contact WeChat support team.

As the image shown above, this WeChat user should meet the requirement below.
- Is friends with you on WeChat (Or doesn’t need to be your friends on WeChat.)
- User registered at least six months ago and has continued to use their account regularly.
- User has not already verified an excessive number of other accounts (Once per month, two accounts per six months, three accounts annually).(The requirements might be different from other countries, please read it carefully.)
NOTE: Different kind of blocking type needs different requirements, please read it carefully!!!! And as for asking Chinese for help, you need to know WeChat only allows they to help verify 2-3 times in one year, even less time.
You need to get this user’s phone number (has linked to their WeChat account). And then select the user’s region and enter the phone number. After that, click on [Next].

Do you think this is the last step? The answer is NO. What you need to do now is telling this user to help you with verification. If you have read my blog on how to sign up WeChat account. You must know how to verify.
How to verify someone on WeChat?
Following steps are for that WeChat user (Your WeChat friend not you). If they don’t know what to do you can share this article to them.
- Ask that WeChat user(Your WeChat friend) to open WeChat.
First thing first, you need to enter your WeChat friend’s phone number(has linked to WeChat) on your end. And then ask your friends follows the steps as below. - Search “WeChat Team” in the search bar, or find out “WeChat Team” on their contact lists.

- Go to WeChat Team, and tap [Account] on the bottom of the screen.
- Click [Help Friend Log in].
If for helping WeChat Friend register, unfreeze WeChat account, just click the right one you need.

- Click on [The initiator himself has contacted me].
Make sure that users you are trying to help are not a fraud, otherwise could cause your account blocked.

- Tap [Identify verified (by call or other methods)].

What if I can’t contact my WeChat friends, as I only have theirs WeChat info. But now my WeChat account has been blocked. I’m not able to login WeChat, how could it possible to contact them? In this case, if your account need to be verify only by your WeChat friends. Then there’s no way to get it back as all process need to follow the instruction as WeChat says. If you can’t get through it, you’re not able to unblock your account.
However, you can try to seed feedback to WeChat support team. That’s a proven way for some users. My point is that you should always back up WeChat contact list and chatting history (on or not on WeChat).
After the user doing that, your WeChat account should be activated and you can log in to WeChat now. If you’re required more than one WeChat users to help with you, make sure the number is enough, you can check how many users have helped you by click on [Refresh].
Besides, you should ask your friends to comfirm that as soon as possible, otherwise your request will be expired, you need to send request again, and ask your friends to comfirm it.

Why I can’t unblock WeChat account?
As for failing to unblock, there are various reasons:
- If your account has been blocked because of the virtual phone number or your phone number is operated by a virtual network operator. Then you should use another phone number(a real/fixed phone number) to unblock.
- If your WeChat account has been blocked more than once, and you are trying to unblock again, then the phone number you are using to unblock your WeChat account should be the same phone number which you used to unblock your WeChat account last time.
- The phone number you are using to unblock your WeChat account may have reached the maximum number of the times to unblock account.
In this case, you had better not attempt to unblock again and again with the same phone number. you should wait until next month before attempting to unblock again. - The registered region of the phone number you are using to unblock your account may not match the registered region for the WeChat account.
In this case, you’re recommended to use a different phone number with the same country code that matches with the registered region of your WeChat account. For example, if the country code for the phone number used to register your WeChat account is the U.S. (+1), the country code for the phone number used for unblocking should also be the U.S. - Your WeChat account has been registered for 14 days or less.
It’s recommended to use the phone number currently linked with the WeChat account to unblock for which just registered within the last 14 days. If the linked phone number is unavailable, wait until 14 days have passed since registering and use another phone number to unblock your account. - The friend’s WeChat account you provided may not be qualified.
Enter the phone number for other WeChat friends who meet the conditions below to unblock your account. The invited WeChat account must meet all of the conditions below:
1) If you registered your account outside of mainland China, you can ask both mainland China users and users outside of mainland China to help confirm your identity, but the conditions below should be meet:
a). You can ask any WeChat users outside of mainland China (not just WeChat Contacts) to aid in unblocking your account.
b). You can also ask mainland Chinese users who must already be Contacts in your WeChat account to aid in unblocking your account. - 2) If you registered your account inside mainland China, you may only request aid from other mainland Chinese users in unblocking your account, and the conditions below should be meet:
a). You can ask users who aren’t already contacts within your WeChat to aid in unblocking as long as users registered on WeChat from the same province with you.
b). You can ask WeChat users from any province in mainland China to aid in unblocking your account as long as they are already contacts within your WeChat.
Note: Whether a blocked account is registered inside or outside of mainland China is determined by the registered region of the account (not the region stated in the user’s profile); the user assisting in unblocking your account must be a WeChat user who has registered for more than six months and is operating their account normally. Users who have registered less than six months or were blocked recently are not able to assist others in unblocking accounts.
Note: Whether a blocked account is registered inside or outside of mainland China is determined by the registered region of the account (not the region stated in the user’s profile); the user assisting in unblocking your account must be a WeChat user who has registered for more than six months and is operating their account normally. Users who have registered less than six months or were blocked recently are not able to assist others in unblocking accounts.
Way 2: Unblock WeChat via WeChat support on website page
If you can’t unblock your WeChat account by method one. Then you can try this one. If your WeChat account has been blocked and there are no other ways to get your account back unless asking WeChat support for help.
However, if your account has been blocked permanently due to a serious violation of the WECHAT TERMS OF SERVICE then you will never get your account back. Which means you can not use your old WeChat account anymore. But you can continue to use WeChat services by sign-up a new WeChat account. If you want to register WeChat account then you can head to my guide on how to sign up WeChat account. NOTE: Don’t not sign up new account immediately, otherwise, your new account will be blocked too.
- Click here(WeChat support), go to the Account Recovery channel.
- Select “Banned WeChat Account” type. Select an ID type.
There are four types of account for you to choose (WeChat ID/mobile number/QQ/ QQ Email). After selecting your ID type, you need to enter your ID type according to your choosing before. such as entering your WeChat ID/mobile number/QQ number/ QQ Email. If you chose a mobile number type, then you should select your country/region and enter your phone number.
NOTE: This phone number has to be linked to your account.

- Select “Send verification code”:
Select your country/region and enter a phone number. NOTE: This phone number could be yours or your friends’, obviously this phone number is for helping unblock your account. - Entering “CAPTCHA Characters”.
- Click on “Send Verification Code” button.
- Select “Unable to Login” at the categories section.
You will see other section listed near the categories. You should select “Account Blocked” in this field. If you have other issues on WeChat, you can choose the right category here to send feedback to WeChat support.
- Describe what the errors you got in details.
What you need to do next is telling your problem with detailed information in the “Description” section. It will be easier to help you unblock WeChat account with uploading a screenshot of the problem. And tell them, you are not able to unblock WeChat account for yourself. Please tell them, you didn’t violate the terms of WeChat. - Select the type of contact at “Prefer Being Contacted by” section.
I recommend you to choose email address. Emailing isn’t that hard than call or SMS message. - Submit the form.
NOTE: WeChat got tons of feedback everyday, so they will not read every feedback, would miss out some feedback. you can send it again after waiting for one or two weeks. And you need to wait for at least one or two weeks until you get a notification.
Way 3: Unblock WeChat via WeChat support on Phone device (WeChat App)
If you don’t have your PC by your side. You can seed feedback to WeChat support team on your phone via WeChat App. it will be easier for someone who can’t access the PC or Mac right now.
- Click on [More Options] on the bottom right corner of the screen.

- Tap on [WeChat Help Center].

- After that, you will see [Send Feedback] icon. Click on that.
Now, you can select your mobile device platform, region, issues type, etc. just like the previous steps.
- Fill out the form to WeChat support team.

Please provide your issues in details. And don’t forget to upload the screenshots of the issues. Besides, don’t forget to leave your contact info, like your WeChat account ID and Email the ways that you prefer being contacted by WeChat.
- The last step is click on [Submit].
Then, your are completed the feedback. There’s an important thing you need to know. WeChat might not reply to you immediately, you need to wait for a couple days or weeks. And then you try to login again.
If still failed to, that could be they didn’t see your feedback. Or your account can’t be unblocked by WeChat support. For some blocking type, there’s no way to unblock by WeChat support team, the only way is following the process as WeChat says.
I recommend you seed feedback more than once, because they got tons of feedback everyday. They might missed out your feedback. Keep annoying them!!!
Way 4: Unblock WeChat via WeChat Feedback
Many people ask me is there any way to contact WeChat support? And you might want to contact them since every method you’ve tried seems didn’t work at all. In this case, you can try to give feedback to the WeChat support. Click on the links and then you will go to the WeChat support Center.

- Select your device platform(Android, IOS, Windows Phone, Mac, PC etc.)
- Next, select your region.
- Then, you need to select the categories.
Such as Unable to login, Account registration, Account Security. If you read this post I think most of you should select unable to login. - After that, you can choose the questions you want to fix.
The problem like, Account blocked, Account freezed, Password retrieval, etc. - Provide description. The more details you provide the more chance you can fix your problem.
- Click on Upload screenshot to let them know your problem well.
- Leave your contact info. I recommend you to select the email option.

The last step is to click on the [Submit]. And then you need to wait for response. If not get response, keep sending until get reply.
Way 5: Unblock WeChat via WeChat Facebook team

WeChat has official social media accounts, like Facebook and Twitter. Before you contact them, please make sure they’re official account, you can find it out from [about or info]. Besides, if any WeChat official account ask you to pay for that service, please just go away, that’s not WeChat official account.
No matter you unblock WeChat success or not. you definitely need to know how to avoid WeChat account being blocked. before it is too late.
Thank you for reading my blog. If you found this blog is helpful, please share with your friends. And if It helped you out please let me know. Add me on WeChat if you don’t have any WeChat friend. ( My WeChat ID: chinahelp4u ). Any questions . feel free to comment below.

reason from wechat
too many attempts. Try again later
how do i fix
Good afternoon, Boss, i sent a friend request to a customer and say ” Hi, I’m Sam how are you” my wechat account blocked, they said am harassing a stranger with so many greetings, i don’t know that “HOW ARE YOU” is harassing language. I tried all the methods you mentioned but no avail. I tried many many times trying to get reply from them but all i got is your account is permanently blocked. I continued till a friend directed me to your page. So boss help and do some thing to unblock it sir i will be very happy if you can be of help to me. Because am using the account for business and don’t want to lose my customers contact in the account . Thanks
Hope to hear from you soonest.
WeChat is block plzzz help me to unblock