208 thoughts on “Sign up WeChat account for foreigners”

  1. Hello, can I get some help to create an account please
    My friend is going over for a month and we need someone to help us please

  2. I once had WeChat account before the persona verification…and I was blocked because I couldn’t find someone to verify my account…please can anyone help to register again

  3. Hello Silas. Of all the articles regarding opening a WeChat account, yours is the best.keep up!
    Am actually a B2B freelancer as well as an article writer. Kindly reach me on my email that I have attached for a more interesting conversation.
    We don’t know where this will lead.

      1. Hi Silas – I am from Penang, Malaysia. My Wechat was deactivated since it had not in use for some time. I am trying to activate it but not successful as the SMS message send to the given WeChat mobile number, showed that “Failed to Send Out”. Have tried so many times. Why can’t the SMS message be send out? What should I do ?

  4. hallo,
    I’m traveling to china next week for a month, and i really would find helpful if someone could help me with the registration.

  5. Please i need Wechat and i don’t have anyone to help me verify, please can you help me to sort it out? My old Wechat account was block and i don’t have anyone to unblock it for me.

  6. Sir my friend tried to verify me but it kept asking for my wechat four digit no. but I haven’t even registered so how do I give last 4 digit no.of id.it won’t let qr code to work also

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