208 thoughts on “Sign up WeChat account for foreigners”

  1. Hi Silas,
    I’m a Swedish user and I have a friend from Thailand who ask me to register an account. I found your blog because I’m not able to register an account and wonder if you please would help me?
    Kind regards

    1. Hi,Carolina.
      I do want to help you, but there’s a limit to help verification. Maybe you can ask your Thailand friend to help you.

  2. Silas, really nice article you put up here… Thing is i have a wechat account but no friends and nobody to talk with, do you have any groups you can add me to?

        1. The QR code will expire in 7 days.So I’m not able to update the QR code every week. So please add me on WeChat: xsY7654321 or Facebook. thanks for your understanding.

  3. I’ve tried helping a friend create an account. It works for a day every time we did and then we get a message saying the account has been blocked. For 5 times with different numbers? What’s the problem?

  4. Hi…..please help me to create WeChat account,,,i don’t have a smart phone but i want to use the computer instead

  5. Hi! I recently found your blog and i believe i had my wechat account blocked because of the use of a vpn, i don’t know anyone with a wechat account since i only created it to watch videos on qq videos, hence i have a vip subscription on qq videos via my wechat account. But now that the account has been blocked, i am worried since my credit card info is linked with qq and i can’t log in there because of the whole blocking issue… i have tried using the account recovery link that you have shared, but it doesn’t work after i press the send verification code, there is a 404 error. Is there anyway you could help me? Or do you know someone that could help me? Right now, i am just worried about the issue with the credit card info in qq videos. Many thanks in advance!

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