114 thoughts on “How to sign up QQ account”

  1. Trying to login to my existing QQ account but get this message: “Pure number accounts need to be registered through QQ number, please re-enter.”

    When I try to register it asks for a chinese ID number and name

  2. Hello Silas,

    I have been trying to follow the instructions in this to signup for an account but have been having no luck. Signing up through the website only gets me a qr code telling me to install the mobile version because my number is deemed a security risk by QQ. Using the app to sign up gives me this error.
    Signing up with different phone numbers doesn’t change the error and neither does waiting. Not sure how I’m supposed to find a secure number qq will accept.
    I live in the UK and I tried with the number here. Can you please help me to open a QQ account for me, because I don’t know what other solution to find? I am willing to pay for opening the account. If so, tell me to send you the data you need.

  3. Hello Silas,

    I have been trying to follow the instructions in this to signup for an account but have been having no luck. Signing up through the website only gets me a qr code telling me to install the mobile version because my number is deemed a security risk by QQ. Using the app to sign up gives me this error.

    Signing up with different phone numbers doesn’t change the error and neither does waiting. Not sure how I’m supposed to find a secure number qq will accept. I’m really at the end of my rope and don’t know what else I can do, so any help would be appreciated.

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