Chinese qq is quite hard to use for foreigners since qq international stopped working. And most foreigners don’t understand Chinese can’t read Chinese characters. Is there any way to make it easy to use qq Chinese? Yes, you can turn on easy mode or Care mode on qq Chinese. Let me show you how to change interface for qq Chinese verversion.

If you use qq for chatting only, then you don’t need the red square part features at all (As image above shows). You can change qq Chinese version interface to keep your interface looks keep and easy to use. qq provides 4 interface modes for you to choose.
- Normal mode (Default mode).
- Easy mode.
- Parental control mode. (Highly recommend)
- Care mode.
If you are new to qq, you might also need this. how to use Chinese qq. I will keep updating more qq Chinese tutorials, don’t forget to bookmark my website.
What’s easy mode on qq Chinese version?
No matter which App you’re using, it will become flat, adding so many features which you might don’t need at all. Some users will love it, but you don’t! Because you can’t read Chinese characters and you are not able to change qq interface language.
Easy mode on qq Chinese, will make your Chinese qq’s UI (interface) look clean and simple. Hiding some features or effects you don’t need, and gathering some features in a small box or line. And buttons without effects and less color.
So, if you only use qq for chatting, and can’t read Chinese characters, then you should turn on easy mode so that it will be easier to use qq Chinese for foreigners.
What’s care mode on qq Chinese version ?
Care mode is for the old users who can’t see the small text clearly, and cutting off some features that users don’t need or don’t know how to use.
Most old generations, like grandma, grandfather they’re not a tech guy. They barely use smartphones, not good at using smartphones. But the App companies build the App look so complicated.
Besides, the Care mode has a larger font size and more legible text, sharper colors, bigger and more user-friendly buttons.
So, to care for the old generations, the Chinese government released a new law to force App companies to build a care mode for old generations. Especially the most used Apps, like WeChat, QQ, and Alipay.
What’s Parental control mode on qq Chinese version ?
Children addicted to mobile games so much recently. Because Tencent games are popular crazily. 和平精英 and 王者荣耀. These two games are incredibly popular in China. And no matter girls or boys, young or old people they all addicted to that.
To prevent students addicted to games and smartphones. And to provide a safe and healthy online environment. The parental control mode lets parents to control whether to restrict certain features.
So Chinese government released a law to force App companies to build a parental control mode to let parents control kids or children restricted to use certain features on Apps.
I’m not sure how do you think Chinese government. But I have to say, the CPC really cares about people.
How to change qq interface?
After explaining the modes to you. If you want a simple and clean interface on qq. Then you should switch the interface to the Easy mode or Care mode.
Note: The font size is larger and the button is bigger in Care mode.
If you’re not old generations, and only use qq for chatting, then I recommend you use the easy mode.
- Open and log in qq account.
- Swipe right on the screen.
- Click on “Settings 设置” .

- Tap ” General 通用”.

And then click on “体验模式 Easy mode” or “Parental control mode 青少年模式 “.

To set a Parental mode, you need to set a password firstly, and then check Privacy terms and then click “开启关怀模式” to confirm it.

If you need a Care mode, then you need to tap ” More modes 更多模式” on the top-right corner. And then click on”Turn on Care mode 开启关怀模式”.
NOTE: Set a Parental control mode or Care mode will need to restart qq App, you just need to click on”OK 确定” to comfirm it.