WeChat Channel (视频号) is the popular short video platform built in WeChat. It has over 800 million monthly active users (MAUs). Compared Douyin and Kuaishou, WeChat account register is much easier. Because it won’t ask for Chinese resident ID verification. However, some WeChat users found that WeChat Channel disappeared or WeChat Channels hot disappeared. What happened?
Why I can’t find WeChat Channels
WeChat Channels is only available in some countries, not all countries. All you need to know is only Chinese version of WeChat (called Weixin) have the full functions. As for the global version WeChat, there’s always some limitations due to the local law differences between China and other countries. So WeChat has to follow local law in your country.
You may also need this: the difference between WeChat and Weixin
As far as I know, WeChat Channels is available for most counties. Sometimes, you just need to trigger it or setting it up properly. And then you can see WeChat Channels.
Solutions for WeChat Channels not showing:
Step 1: Open and log in WeChat.
Step 2: Click on the search icon to search for anything you’re interested in.
Step 3: Click on “Channels” after you tapping the search icon or on the search results.
Step 4: If it shows the videos on the search results or you click on video, the video can be viewed. It means the WeChat Channels is available in your country (region).
If it says, “WeChat channel not available in your country”, then don’t waste your time. you can’t use that function. If you do need the WeChat Channels function, I suggest you use other countries phone number to register a new WeChat account. The WeChat targets your country by the phone number. Using the other country’s phone number (WeChat Channels is available to that country). It probably will be working.
Bonus: you can add # tag to quick search for something! For example, send a message with # tag “#Chinesefood”, then click on that highlight blue message. It will directly lead you to the search results. I love this function a lot. Maybe you think you have to send a message to someone, but you don’t have a friend to message to. Don’t worry, you can send messages to yourself (This function is my favorites!!!)
You may need some WeChat tips to like a WeChat Pro uses: WeChat hidden tips like a pro.
How to make WeChat Channels showing up
Once you comfirm that WeChat Channel is available in your country. You need to set it up to find WeChat Channels easily.
WeChat Channels will show up on the “Discover” tap list. But if it’s not showing. Here is what you should do to make WeChat Channels showing up.
Step 1: Open and log in WeChat.
Step 2: Click on “Me” and the tap “Settings”.
Step 3: Click on “General”.
Step 4: Click on “Manage Discover”. You will find the features that available in your country.
Step 5: Tap “Channels”, and turn on “Show in the Discover Tap”.
After that, you just need to click on “Discover” tap and then you will see the WeChat Channels listed on there.
WeChat Channels hot disappeared
WeChat Channels hot tab is where you can find the hot videos without searching. It’s like “what’s the popular video lately”. Many foreign WeChat users love it so much. Because it’s like a window for them to know what’s the trending hot topics in China.
But you may find that the WeChat Channels hot tab missing. And you can’t get it back.
Why WeChat Channel hot missing?
Firstly, the online platform must be in compliance with the local law. Different country has different laws. That’s the main reason why you can’t have the full function of WeChat.
Secondly, WeChat update the user policy or the app functions regularly. So if you did use WeChat Channels before, and then the WeChat Channels disappeared suddenly. It probably is because the app updating.
Solutions for WeChat Channels hot missing
If the WeChat Channels hot tab works fine, but it missing suddenly. Here is what you should check.
Roll back the App version
Did you update the App lately or it updated and you didn’t know? As far as I know, the WeChat version 8.0,0 or upper occurs WeChat Channels hot tab disappeared.
If the WeChat updating causes the hot tab disappeared. You better roll back to the old version which works fine. WeChat updating is probably why Channel hot missing.
NOTE!!! Before you uninstall the WeChat and roll back to the old version of WeChat. PLEASE backup your WeChat chatting history. Because WeChat chatting history doesn’t store on the WeChat server. Once you uninstall the app, the chatting history will all be gone. Keep that in mind.
Besides, you need to get the old WeChat version from trusted source. If not, your WeChat account might be blocked.
Clean up the cache
It may working or not working. I can’t guarantee that. But you won’t lost anyway. You can try to clear up the cache and then reopen the App.
However, cleaning up the cache will cause your pictures or videos all gone. So before you clean up the cache. You may need to download the pictures or videos (someone sent to you) that important to you.
The pictures or videos (documents) will be expired after 2 or 3 days anyway. So always keep that in mind. You can either turn on “Auto-download” photos, videos, and files on WeChat, or download the photos, videos and files manually each time after you viewed them.
But there’s also a problem. WeChat will eat your phone storage a lot !!!!! you can check out WeChat storage to see how big size it takes up.
If you want to create your own WeChat Channels you may need this: How to create WeChat Channels.
I need a small help from you. Tell me your country and Channel hot disappeared or not on the comment below. So that It will help more people.
Thank you!!!