There are more and more platforms registration via phone number in China, which makes users make account without setting up password. But the password is really important to your account, how to set up a password for Douyin (抖音)? or forgot Douyin password? Let me show you step-by-step.
Douyin (抖音) has been the most downloaded and used app in China. And it’s the most popular marketing tool to gain traffics and sell products online. Especially the Livestream selling products mode.
Why you need to set a password for Douyin
You can log in to Douyin as long as you log via phone number. However, you might be stuck in receiving SMS code from China social media platforms. This error is really quite often occurs. So don’t forget to set a password from the China website or social media.
Besides, you won’t be able to login to account when you don’t use phone number anymore. And it happens a lot, as many people will change their phone number within 3-5 years.
Set a password for Douyin(抖音)
The language of Douyin is a challenge for people who can’t read Chinese characters. Is it possible to change language?
The answer is NO! Not now, Not in the future.
You’re not able change Douyin language,because Douyin is mainly for Chinese people or who can read Chinese characters. However Douyin is available for foreigners, not like TikTok, Chinese people can’t use TikTok, but Douyin is worldwide used as long as you can read Chinese characters.
Actually, you don’t need to worry too much about language, as there’s only few settings you need to know. I will update all the features and settings you need to know. Don’t forget to bookmark my website if you need.
For new users, let’s dive into setting up a password for Douyin.
- Login to Douyin(抖音).
- Click on “我Me” on the bottom-right corner.
- Tap the “≡” icon on the top-right corner.
- Click on the “设置Settings” icon.
- And then, click on”账号与安全 Account and Security”.
With all these done, you will see the “抖音密码” (Douyin Password setting). If the “抖音密码” shows you “未设置” it means you don’t set password for Douyin yet.
Then, you need to click on “抖音密码” And then input the Douyin password you need to set for. After that you need to click on “获取短信验证码 Get SMS Verification code”.
The last step you need to do is enter the SMS verification code. After that, you can login to account with password.
Change Douyin (抖音) password
As for changing Douyin password, the steps are exactly the same as previous. You need to go to >”我”> the “≡” icon>”设置”> “账号与安全” >”抖音密码”.
After that, you need to enter a new password and click on “获取短信验证码” to get verification SMS code. Your password will be changed after you entering the SMS code.
Forgot Douyin (抖音) password
Once you forgot Douyin password, you need to set up a new one. You should know that you can’t reset or retrieve password without phone number (used as login to Douyin).
If you have that phone number, then just follow the steps to get your password back.
- Click on “登录”on the login page.
If you want to reset password when you are not able to login. Then you can’t click on “一键登录”. You need to click on “登录” or “其他账号登录”. If you see “密码登录” then just click on that and go to step 3 below.
- Tap “密码登录 Login with password”.
- Enter your phone number.
- Check the privacy policy box.
- Click on “找回密码”.
- Click on “获取验证码”.
- Enter the SMS code and new password.
After that, check the privacy policy box again and click on “完成Done”.
If you have any questions, please comment below or contact me. Thank you!
please help! can’t even access my existing account.
Help my password enter
I’m douyin 1 years my nickname Valeria 🇮🇹💘🇨🇳 mi ID valeria 24521 i’m from live in Born Italy Rome
Help my password enter
I’m douyin 1 years my nickname Valeria 🇮🇹💘🇨🇳 mi ID valeria 24521 i’m from live in Born Italy Rome